An outer cover. A shell casing; a tire casing. The frame or framework for a window or door. A membranous case, often made of animal intestine, used to contain sausage or other processed meat. Slang To observe a place in order to familiarize oneself with its workings in preparation for some criminal activity (often robbery). Judging from the security footage, those men cased the joint hours before robbing it. 2. slang By extension, to thoroughly examine a place. Casing is pipes with a large diameter which is lowered into the wellhole. Casing is used to send off fluids from the wellhole or keep a wellhole from caving in.
A general term for any action, Cause of Action, lawsuit, or controversy. All the evidence and testimony compiled and organized by one party in a lawsuit to prove that party's version of the controversy at a trial in court. Casings are made of two basic materials, cellulose or collagen. Five specific casings are generally used in the production of sausage products- animal, regenerated collagen, cellulose, fibrous, and plastic casings.